Easy ways to taste a good glass of wine...

If you didnt know this, know you do! Here at theFadpeople, we try to bring it alittle further up the knowledge chain.
It needs to be pure, lovely red (no sediments! obviously no insects!) Its the basics, the wine has to be pure, clear and clean... If your glass of wine doesnt appear to be so, please.. change it
Now, why do we swirl the wine? Because we wanna look like we are experts at appreciating wine. But to help you be a tad more "expert" on the subject, you should know that you are setting up the smell of the wine. When you swirl, you are allowing air to enter the wine, thus releasing the bouquet of the wine.
Another point to note (to impress), is to notice the legs of the wine (residue that are left on the sides of the glass). If it is strong legs, you can conclude that the alcohol content is considerable and it is a glass of heavy bodied wine.
Smelling (The Bouquet of the Wine)
Don't be shy when you smell a glass of wine. Stick your nose into the glass and take sharp shot breaths. Take in the full aroma of the wine, let the smell enter your sinuses, your mouth and you lungs. This is to prepare yourself for the main event (tasting)!
It is said that some people may smell flowers, minerals, the earth or the oak. But if you just happen to smell wine.. thats good too! (at least, thats wat i usually smell.)
The entire process of enjoying (tasting) a good glass of wine is a combination of all the 4 steps above. Each dependent on each other to get the full flavor of the wine.
Remember its tasting (not gulping, not swallowing!), so take a sip.. let it sit in your mouth for a few seconds... Let each bud enjoy the taste of the wine before you finally swallow. A good glass of wine will leave a wonderful finish in the mouth.. Maybe 10sec or 15sec or maybe even a min if you are lucky.
IF all else fails, visit specialty shops that a famous for selling good wines. Talk to the dealers, bartenders, waiters or even other patrons of the place. Be humble, allow them to walk you through the selection and learn.
Most Importantly
Do not restrict yourself to any rules (even red for red meat) as this will remove the joy of choosing wine. It’s better to trust your own inner sense when it comes to choosing wine.
After 4 glasses of red wine, theFadboy is still trying to be an expert on wine tasting.. Enjoys!
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